Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Magasin Agricole

In conducting some research today I found a very interesting reference to my great-great-grandfather, Henri de Büren in the March 19th, 1870 edition of the Feuille d'avis de Neuchâtel .

His name is associated with an ad announcing the opening of a shop for local farm products in Neuchâtel. At the time he was the President of Agricultural Society of Neuchâtel, so my guess is it was a store front for all the best products from the region, not just those from the castle of Vaumarcus.

The ad follows in both French and English:

Magasin agricole et débit de lait

faubourg du Lac 6

Le soussigné a l’honneur d’informer le public de la ville de Neuchâtel qu’il ouvrira dans le courant du printemps un magasin où les personnes qui voudront bien lui accorder leur clientèle, trouveront à un prix raisonnable et bien conditionnés, tous les produits de la campagne, tels les fruits, légumes, lait, beurre, miel, oeufs, vins en bouteilles, etc., etc

Le débit du lait commencera dès le 1er avril prochain, au prix de 26 centimes le pot, mesure nette, rendu à domicile, et de 25 centimes pris au magasin. Ce lait est garanti parfaitement franc de tout écremage. Les personnes qui seraient disposés à en prendre dès la date sus-indiquée sont priées de bien vouloir s’annoncer jusqu’à fin mars courant, auprès de Mad. Elise Junod, faubourgh du Lac, n° 6, 1er étage, en indiquant leur domicile et la quantité de lait qu’elles désirent prendre. Les comptes seront réglés au mois.

L’ouverture du magasin pour les autres produits sera annoncée par un avis ultérieur.

Henri de BUREN

Vaumarcus, 3 mars 1870

Farm Products and Fresh Milk

Faubourg du Lac 6

The undersigned has the honor to inform the public of the city of Neuchâtel that he will open a shop in the spring where people who are willing to grant him their business, will find reasonably priced and well packaged local farm products, such as fruits, vegetables, milk, butter, honey, eggs, bottled wine, etc., etc.

Fresh cream topped milk will be available from April 1st, priced at 26 cents a jar, net measurement, for home delivery, and 25 cents in the shop. Interested parties who would like delivery from the date above are kindly requested to inform Mrs. Elise Junod, faubourgh du Lac, No. 6, 1st floor, by the end of the month, indicating their home address and the amount of milk they desire. Accounts will be settled monthly.

The opening date of the shop for the local farm products will be announced by an upcoming notice.

Henri de BUREN

Vaumarcus, March 3rd, 1870

The street of Faubourg du Lac, taken by Victor Attinger a very famous Swiss editor  in 1918.

A Google map view of Neuchâtel, with the shop location denoted by the "A".

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