Saturday, June 12, 2010

Menu from Geneva

What I love about exploring my family history are finding little gems along the way. Frequently they are more substaintial finds, like a painting or an artefact, but sometimes they are small items that catch my attention. Today, I found one of those small things. It is a menu card with a hand written lunch selection from June 29, 1932. It is certainly from Geneva. Was it from a local restaurant, a private club? Most importantly, why was it kept? Did this lunch have a special significance for one of my ancestors? I will never know.

What I can be certain of is as a designer and foodie, I love it.

The menu reads:

Potage Parmantier (Potato & Leek Soup)
Langue de Boeuf garnie sauce Mâdère (Beef Tongue with Madeira Sauce)
Cornets au beurre (Butter Horns)
Salade (Salad)
Glace Vanille aux Cerises (Vanilla Ice Cream with Cherries)
Patisserie (Pastries)

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